Counseling Support Services
- Support Groups - Individual Counseling - Workshops
For more information call (707) 303-8411 or email
Support Groups ↘
A Place to Start.
Support Group participants receive support and education that empowers them to create their own path to a life free from violence. Our DV 101 support groups are available for any adult that identifies as a victim of domestic violence. Support groups are offered free of charge. Please know that all of our support groups are co-ed and are available to any adult that identifies as a victim of domestic violence.
8 Week DV 101 Support Groups: (only select 1 group)
Group meets weekly for 8 weeks
Topics: What is DV?, Red Flags, Financial Empowerment, Safety Planning, Effects of DV on Children, Healthy Relationships, and Self Care
MONDAY, 4:30 - 6:00 pm (In-person)
TUESDAY, 6:00 - 7:30 pm (Zoom)
WEDNESDAY, 12:00 - 1:30 pm (Zoom)
SATURDAY, 9:30- 11:00 am (Zoom)
The first step to signing up for Support Group is to complete our Support Group Agreement, sign it and return it to us electronically. Our Counseling Support Services staff will follow up by phone and email to confirm your enrollment in our Support Groups. Se habla espanol.
Individual Counseling ↘
Where healing begins with a conversation.
YWCA Sonoma County provides survivors of domestic violence with specialized therapy services to help them gain an understanding of trauma and develop healthy strategies to cope with life stressors. As a result, participants learn to navigate adversity in positive ways, improve well-being and minimize disruption to daily functioning. Services are offered to children, adolescents, adults, and families. Our trauma-informed therapists are able to provide short-term and long-term therapy. The cost of each session is set by an income-based sliding scale.
Residents in our Safe House and participants in the Encore Program have the opportunity to attend individual therapy sessions. Additionally, children who attend A Special Place Preschool can receive individual and family therapy services.
Workshops ↘
Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey.
Join us for an innovative, gender responsive trauma-informed workshop specifically developed for women by Dr. Stephanie S. Covington.
12-Week Healing Journey Workshop -
$40.00 pp
Group meets one day a week for 12 weeks - contact us for session dates
ZOOM sessions are 1.5 hours in length
Modules: Violence, Abuse and Trauma; The Impact of Trauma on Women's Lives; Healing from Trauma