YWCA Sonoma County

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Honoring Mothers

Little Children Holding Burning Candles In Darkness

Dear Friend,

Lucía barely spoke to her preschool teachers and rarely played with other children. Since witnessing her mother’s abuse by her stepfather, she had become withdrawn, non-verbal and had trouble sleeping. Meeting her YWCA therapist for the first time, she was too afraid to even enter the therapy room. Her therapist, specifically trained to work with children who have experienced trauma, gently reflected Lucía’s anxieties and offered her soothing emotional safety. They began by first playing on the playground.

Over time, a trusting relationship was formed and aided by dolls and puppets through play, Lucía told her story, and the healing began. Her therapist met her with compassion and helped her identify and express her emotions. Lucía’s mom, Ana, was grateful to see her daughter return to her happy self.

Your generous gift of financial support will give mothers like Ana the chance to raise happy, healthy children who sparkle like Lucía.


Madeleine Keegan O'Connell
CEO - YWCA Sonoma County