Domestic Violence Awareness Month - DVAM 2023
Dear Friend of YWCA,
Representing Sonoma County’s singular and vital provider of domestic violence services, as I do, you become reflective. I think about our confidential Safe House shelter, the only one in all of Sonoma County. I consider the fact that from within our shelter, YWCA answer calls to Sonoma County’s one and only 24/7 Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline, (707) 546-1234.
Today I am sending you our calling card, intentionally nondescript and unidentifiable to YWCA lest an abusive partner was to find it. Please keep this card for someone who may need to call us.
““If it weren’t for these programs I don’t know where I would be right now.””
Each year, the cost of our programming leaves us in a budget deficit. If not for your financial support, our role could not be fulfilled. Please give generously.
Madeleine Keegan O’Connell
Chief Executive Officer